
The American-Islamic Friendship Project (AIFP) was started by an American seeking to build better relations between the people of America and the Muslim world. The Project collects messages of peace and friendship from Americans to people in the Muslim world and from people in the Muslim world to Americans. We want to publish the messages in a book to be distributed in America and various Muslim countries. The goal is to build greater understanding and friendship between our countries by allowing the voices of “ordinary” people to be heard, dispelling the perception that Americans and people in the Muslim world are hostile to each other, and connecting Americans and people from diverse Muslim countries in promoting our common desire for a more peaceful world.

Get Involved!

Here are some much-needed ways to get involved in the American-Islamic Friendship Project:

1. Contribute a message to the book. Any message is welcome as long as it promotes peace, friendship, and understanding (messages that do not will not be accepted). It can be as short as a sentence or as long as a page. Anonymous messages are also welcome, but please identify your country. Messages can be posted in the blog-posting space below. (Go to the bottom of any of my posts and click on "comments" to post a message. Until I figure out how to automatically display the comments on the main page, I will re-post the comments on the main page so that they can be seen easily.) Messages can also be emailed to: (please put "American-Islamic Friendship Project" in the subject line). For information on sending hard-copy messages via postal mail, please write to the above email address.

2. Share a copy of the pre-published book with people in your community. Messages gathered so far have been compiled in a pre-published book. Please contact about the possibiliy of receiving a copy.

3. Connect us with organizations or people who may like to receive a copy of the book or contribute messages. The book has so far been sent to various places in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. We are always looking for new places to send the book and for places where we can gather new messages for the final published version. Contacts at schools are particularly appreciated.

4. Help us find a publisher/distributor for the final book.

5. Make a donation. Please contact for more information.

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Messages from the Muslim World

The Palestinian people say: All our wishes for the success of your project on peace, not just on paper but in reality.


From the heart to all of you guys: “Love you all and wish all of us Peace.”

To the People of America!

I believe that Religions came to spread Peace, love and respect.

So let us work for peace, love and respect.
I am a Syrian girl living in Denmark, and I see no reason for why we can’t coexist.
We are all human, and we are all capable to love.

So let us act as human beings.

Love from a Syrian!!

In the name of allah, the compassionate, the most merciful
& In the name of the father and son and saint spirit.

My Brother in Humanity

Peace of Jesus and Mohamad for you, Peace of Prophets and angels for you. Peace for you, with you and on you,

God loves us, we love him, then we should love each other. Because Jesus told us that God is love. And prophet Mohammad asked too. So let’s (LOVE).




Peace be with you, His blessings and mercy.

This is our greeting in Islam, and this is our message that calls for peace in the world. I am sure that there are lots of misconceptions about Islam and about the West (misconceptions about each other). For this reason and for many other reasons, we should communicate more, we are the ordinary people of different countries.

Dear American brothers and sisters in humanity,

May Allah bless you all. Allah is the Arabic word for “God”. So all Arabs (Muslims, Christians and Jews) call God “Allah”, and they all worship Allah.

I send you this message to tell you that we all worship the same God whether you call him Lord, God, or Allah. That is, what brings us together is our main goal of satisfying God, and that’s why we should all be in Love and harmony because we all walk the same talk, yet in different languages.

So, I say to all Americans, whether they believe in God or not, I love you all because you are my brothers and sisters in humanity, and I believe that God has created us all to love each other and live in harmony and peace, even when we are different in our beliefs, and even when some of us don’t even believe in God in the spirit of Whom I love you all.

Your sister from

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May Allah bless all of you.

A short prayer from
Your Egyptian Muslim
Sister: Shaymaa

Especially for the dearest Rebecca . . .

May the Holy Virgin bless you and all your work, noble and full of faith like you.

Dhour Shoueir

Indeed, I’m not going to be talkative.

All Human being[s] must realize that we have One God. Thus we must seek about the National Unity to be all in

“One hand and One color”,
One hand toward Humanity,
One color toward Equality

From Lebanon

Why am I living? What is the greatest feeling I ever felt? Is there anything behind that blue carpet between clouds? I believe that the first human “thinker”, when he satisfied his basic needs, he started in some way asking these questions. That is exactly when god raised his voice with justice and equality, with religions that started growing in the hearts of prophets, people with a feeling of heavy responsibility on their shoulders. Generation after generation, wars have been killing many of us in the name of living, whereas politics (the person that shakes his hand with god and devil) is not directed toward humanity, but money and power of countries. Here it comes the question:

Can we go back to ourselves, putting our hands in our hearts, on each other[‘s] souls, and drink that cold water, love.

(When you listen to others’ hearts, you are listening to your pulses.)

Ahmed , Saudi Arabia

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