
The American-Islamic Friendship Project (AIFP) was started by an American seeking to build better relations between the people of America and the Muslim world. The Project collects messages of peace and friendship from Americans to people in the Muslim world and from people in the Muslim world to Americans. We want to publish the messages in a book to be distributed in America and various Muslim countries. The goal is to build greater understanding and friendship between our countries by allowing the voices of “ordinary” people to be heard, dispelling the perception that Americans and people in the Muslim world are hostile to each other, and connecting Americans and people from diverse Muslim countries in promoting our common desire for a more peaceful world.

Get Involved!

Here are some much-needed ways to get involved in the American-Islamic Friendship Project:

1. Contribute a message to the book. Any message is welcome as long as it promotes peace, friendship, and understanding (messages that do not will not be accepted). It can be as short as a sentence or as long as a page. Anonymous messages are also welcome, but please identify your country. Messages can be posted in the blog-posting space below. (Go to the bottom of any of my posts and click on "comments" to post a message. Until I figure out how to automatically display the comments on the main page, I will re-post the comments on the main page so that they can be seen easily.) Messages can also be emailed to: (please put "American-Islamic Friendship Project" in the subject line). For information on sending hard-copy messages via postal mail, please write to the above email address.

2. Share a copy of the pre-published book with people in your community. Messages gathered so far have been compiled in a pre-published book. Please contact about the possibiliy of receiving a copy.

3. Connect us with organizations or people who may like to receive a copy of the book or contribute messages. The book has so far been sent to various places in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. We are always looking for new places to send the book and for places where we can gather new messages for the final published version. Contacts at schools are particularly appreciated.

4. Help us find a publisher/distributor for the final book.

5. Make a donation. Please contact for more information.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Messages From America

Alexandria, Egypt

You are a beautiful people. You have a wonderful God-given heritage. You have contributed so very much to the whole world. I appreciate very much your religious faith. Thank you for preserving so much of the world history in your libraries, museums, architecture, and thought. You are loved by America. I look forward to seeing you again soon!



To My Friends in the Arab World,

I have been blessed to know many wonderful people in Egypt, Morocco and Palestine as well as Arabs from such places as Sudan, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel and more. I am so grateful for the friendship we share and the wonderful kindness, hospitality, humor and affection you showed me.
I am sad that relations have been worse in recent years. Too many people are willing to believe the worst about the other.
I pray for the day there is no war and conflict between our peoples. I pray for justice, fairness and trust.
I pray that your dreams will come true and that we will dream new dreams together.


As a Christian, I love all my neighbors, and that includes everyone around the world. I hope, as we continue to live on this earth, we learn to appreciate each other’s differences to create friendship and peace. My God loves all those who come to him. If you do love God, may he bless you with peace in your heart, mind and soul. God bless you all!

Hello. I’m a Japanese girl who study Conflict Resolution in here, the U.S. I have traveled some countries, and also from the experience of living (in a) foreign country, what I can see anywhere in common is people’s love and kindness. Regardless of what race, religion and culture you are in, everyone seeks peace and happiness. Let us live in peace, and I always pray for all of your happiness in life. Peace and love, Mutsuko

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