
The American-Islamic Friendship Project (AIFP) was started by an American seeking to build better relations between the people of America and the Muslim world. The Project collects messages of peace and friendship from Americans to people in the Muslim world and from people in the Muslim world to Americans. We want to publish the messages in a book to be distributed in America and various Muslim countries. The goal is to build greater understanding and friendship between our countries by allowing the voices of “ordinary” people to be heard, dispelling the perception that Americans and people in the Muslim world are hostile to each other, and connecting Americans and people from diverse Muslim countries in promoting our common desire for a more peaceful world.

Get Involved!

Here are some much-needed ways to get involved in the American-Islamic Friendship Project:

1. Contribute a message to the book. Any message is welcome as long as it promotes peace, friendship, and understanding (messages that do not will not be accepted). It can be as short as a sentence or as long as a page. Anonymous messages are also welcome, but please identify your country. Messages can be posted in the blog-posting space below. (Go to the bottom of any of my posts and click on "comments" to post a message. Until I figure out how to automatically display the comments on the main page, I will re-post the comments on the main page so that they can be seen easily.) Messages can also be emailed to: (please put "American-Islamic Friendship Project" in the subject line). For information on sending hard-copy messages via postal mail, please write to the above email address.

2. Share a copy of the pre-published book with people in your community. Messages gathered so far have been compiled in a pre-published book. Please contact about the possibiliy of receiving a copy.

3. Connect us with organizations or people who may like to receive a copy of the book or contribute messages. The book has so far been sent to various places in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. We are always looking for new places to send the book and for places where we can gather new messages for the final published version. Contacts at schools are particularly appreciated.

4. Help us find a publisher/distributor for the final book.

5. Make a donation. Please contact for more information.

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Messages from the Muslim World

The Palestinian people say: All our wishes for the success of your project on peace, not just on paper but in reality.


From the heart to all of you guys: “Love you all and wish all of us Peace.”

To the People of America!

I believe that Religions came to spread Peace, love and respect.

So let us work for peace, love and respect.
I am a Syrian girl living in Denmark, and I see no reason for why we can’t coexist.
We are all human, and we are all capable to love.

So let us act as human beings.

Love from a Syrian!!

In the name of allah, the compassionate, the most merciful
& In the name of the father and son and saint spirit.

My Brother in Humanity

Peace of Jesus and Mohamad for you, Peace of Prophets and angels for you. Peace for you, with you and on you,

God loves us, we love him, then we should love each other. Because Jesus told us that God is love. And prophet Mohammad asked too. So let’s (LOVE).




Peace be with you, His blessings and mercy.

This is our greeting in Islam, and this is our message that calls for peace in the world. I am sure that there are lots of misconceptions about Islam and about the West (misconceptions about each other). For this reason and for many other reasons, we should communicate more, we are the ordinary people of different countries.

Dear American brothers and sisters in humanity,

May Allah bless you all. Allah is the Arabic word for “God”. So all Arabs (Muslims, Christians and Jews) call God “Allah”, and they all worship Allah.

I send you this message to tell you that we all worship the same God whether you call him Lord, God, or Allah. That is, what brings us together is our main goal of satisfying God, and that’s why we should all be in Love and harmony because we all walk the same talk, yet in different languages.

So, I say to all Americans, whether they believe in God or not, I love you all because you are my brothers and sisters in humanity, and I believe that God has created us all to love each other and live in harmony and peace, even when we are different in our beliefs, and even when some of us don’t even believe in God in the spirit of Whom I love you all.

Your sister from

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May Allah bless all of you.

A short prayer from
Your Egyptian Muslim
Sister: Shaymaa

Especially for the dearest Rebecca . . .

May the Holy Virgin bless you and all your work, noble and full of faith like you.

Dhour Shoueir

Indeed, I’m not going to be talkative.

All Human being[s] must realize that we have One God. Thus we must seek about the National Unity to be all in

“One hand and One color”,
One hand toward Humanity,
One color toward Equality

From Lebanon

Why am I living? What is the greatest feeling I ever felt? Is there anything behind that blue carpet between clouds? I believe that the first human “thinker”, when he satisfied his basic needs, he started in some way asking these questions. That is exactly when god raised his voice with justice and equality, with religions that started growing in the hearts of prophets, people with a feeling of heavy responsibility on their shoulders. Generation after generation, wars have been killing many of us in the name of living, whereas politics (the person that shakes his hand with god and devil) is not directed toward humanity, but money and power of countries. Here it comes the question:

Can we go back to ourselves, putting our hands in our hearts, on each other[‘s] souls, and drink that cold water, love.

(When you listen to others’ hearts, you are listening to your pulses.)

Ahmed , Saudi Arabia

Monday, June 15, 2009

More Messages from the Muslim World

My Friends, May God Preserve you.
We are a loving people. And we wish to convey a message of love and peace to you. We know that you are all good people. And we wish to close any gaps in understanding between us by means of these workshops. The day is not far, when we will all join together to work for a common peace.
--An Islamic school (madrasa) in Gwadar, Pakistan

Dearest Little Kate,
We have received your message and are delighted to hear someone this young has such great thoughts. I also have a six year old daughter. She also awaits the end of these wars. We have great affection for you, as well as your beautiful thoughts. Please tell your parents that at least one Muslim Scholar has made a solemn prayer for the end to these wars. I also ask that you pray and struggle for their end.
-- Maulana Saleh , teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Quetta, Pakistan

Dear Friends and American Brothers and Sisters,
What you have seen about us via the media does, I am sure, hurt your emotions. Us Pakistanis are definitely not what you hear. Our Prophet Muhammad’s message says that “Islam is a Religion of Peace, Security and Prosperity. And God has granted certain rights of Security and Prosperity to all human beings.” I, as a Muslim, would like to give a message of peace to you, and wish that the media would not give such a biased image of Muslims to you.
-- Syed Shabbir, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Yasin Division, Pakistan

Our message to you is that we are a peace loving nation, and we want the prosperity of all people. We are adherents to a faith that does not permit conflict without cause against anyone that has not harmed us and provided grounds for us to be in conflict with.


In the name of the Most Exalted,
Having read your words has made me very happy. Across the globe, a few struggling powers are taking us toward mutual destruction. In order to prevent this from happening these types of programs and dialogues are necessary. Believe me when I say that the image the media is conveying of Muslims is not correct. Please try to understand us and our religious values.
--Abdul , Pakistan

American Bretheren, may you stay forever happy,
Having heard your feelings has left me very pleased. The actions of your Government are not truly representative of the American People. Instead, the [Bush] Administration, in a fit to enhance its own self-interest, has tried to sow hatred against Muslims amongst your people. In Islam, there does exist a Freedom of Religion. And we ask that you, by means of your media, tell your leadership that Muslims are not happy with their policies, and conflict with Muslims is not a good a thing.
Was-salaam (salutations of peace),
--Hafiz Abdul-Qadir , teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Baluchistan, Pakistan

“A Message to Western Scholars and Thinkers”
Islam is a vast, all-encompassing religion, and it sends a message of peace to the entire world. Western Propaganda is against Islam. The Prophet Muhammad is an excellent example of peace, as witnessed in his conduct during the Liberation of Mecca. He extended amnesty, even to people like Abu Sufyan, who had violently opposed him for years. And he overlooked the hostility of others. He announced that “I have granted security to all of you.” He turned toward the Holy Ka’aba and exclaimed that “the Sanctity of Human Life is more important than the Sanctity of this Holy Shrine.” Today, several Western Powers are seeking to defame Islam. Even though the Final Sermon of our Prophet is displayed in a place like Bradford, conveying forever to the world, a Message of Peace.--
--Qari Muhammad , rector at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan

“An Address to Western Scholars.”
Our request is for all Western Scholars who love Humanity and Peace, to advise their leaders that Pakistan’s Islamic Schools are teaching love, brotherhood, tolerance, peace and loyalty between the world’s Religions. We hope that this is the aim of all People. We are working very hard on this effort.
- Abdul, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Qari Muhammad ,teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Mufti Aslam, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Qari Muhammad, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Qari Saif, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Abdul, manager at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- The Reverend Muhammad, manager of an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- Judge Aslam, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- The Reverend Muhammad, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan
- The Reverend Saif, teacher at an Islamic school (madrasa) in Karachi, Pakistan

“To our Western Brethren”
I am a student of such a school where brotherhood, love, and unity are taught. Those elements that are creating hostility between our people have nothing to do with us. We wish that everyone see both sides of the picture. Where the media displays the harsh behavior and attitudes of Muslims, it should also take responsibility to show those madrassas that teach positive, optimistic thinking which instill charity and love for all of humanity in its students. Those that are sowing seeds of hatred between our people are but a few.
“Love is Life”
“Love is Prayer”
“Love is God”
- M. Khan, Pakistan

Esteemed Brothers,
Peace be upon you,
Hearing your thoughts made me very happy. There is no doubt that the World desperately needs peace. We observe that there needs to an effort to bring the Children of Isaac and Ishmael together again. For this reason we are willing to work hand-in-hand with you to ensure that all of the Children of Abraham can live in peace and prosperity.
With good wishes.
- Abdul, Karachi, Pakistan

“A Message to Our Christian and Muslim Brothers living in America and the Western World from the Religious Scholars of Karachi.”
We believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, Love, Justice, Brotherhood, Tolerance and Equal Human Rights. And that it does not grant any Human Being the right to harm another in their Life, Property or Dignity. Those people that are involved in violence, fanaticism, extremism and hatred do not belong any Religion - they are simply terrorists. In order to combat this hatred, all peace-loving, moderate people should stand united in an optimistic, common struggle. And we should aim to establish justice and equity in our world. We understand that the world can no longer bear wars for Nationalism, Religion, or Ethnicity. For the preservation of Humanity and peaceful co-existence we need to work together.
- Maulana Muhammad and other Religious Scholars from Karachi

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Messages from the Muslim World

Dear all be it a christian a muslim a hindu a sikh a buddhist or a jew. We need to understand that all religions terminate at the one God we all believe in. How we address our God and believe in him and pray to him is our personal decision. No one has the right to judge another human being or question his or her beliefs. We need to learn to respect ourselves first and then the people around us. Islam today has been labelled as a terrorist religion, even though it is the most moderate peaceful and liberal religion of all which talks of equality between man and woman. It talks about forgiveness tolerance and love among all. Violence is not Islam. Neither is terrorism. We need to live and let live and stop interfering in each others affairs to a point where hatred and frustration become the focus of our relationship.

I don’t know which is the true religion in this world, but I know, there isn’t any false religion

More Messages From America

Alexandria, Egypt

You are a beautiful people. You have a wonderful God-given heritage. You have contributed so very much to the whole world. I appreciate very much your religious faith. Thank you for preserving so much of the world history in your libraries, museums, architecture, and thought. You are loved by America. I look forward to seeing you again soon!



To My Friends in the Arab World,

I have been blessed to know many wonderful people in Egypt, Morocco and Palestine as well as Arabs from such places as Sudan, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel and more. I am so grateful for the friendship we share and the wonderful kindness, hospitality, humor and affection you showed me.
I am sad that relations have been worse in recent years. Too many people are willing to believe the worst about the other.
I pray for the day there is no war and conflict between our peoples. I pray for justice, fairness and trust.
I pray that your dreams will come true and that we will dream new dreams together.


As a Christian, I love all my neighbors, and that includes everyone around the world. I hope, as we continue to live on this earth, we learn to appreciate each other’s differences to create friendship and peace. My God loves all those who come to him. If you do love God, may he bless you with peace in your heart, mind and soul. God bless you all!

Hello. I’m a Japanese girl who study Conflict Resolution in here, the U.S. I have traveled some countries, and also from the experience of living (in a) foreign country, what I can see anywhere in common is people’s love and kindness. Regardless of what race, religion and culture you are in, everyone seeks peace and happiness. Let us live in peace, and I always pray for all of your happiness in life. Peace and love, Mutsuko

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Message from the Muslim world

Dear Brothers and Sisters

One of the main principles of Islam is peace. It encourages human beings to reach the greatest level of mutual understanding, cooperation & love. Through diversity in race, color, gender which creates an interest in mutual interaction between humanity members. An Interaction intended to promote peace through knowing and cooperating with one another to civilize the world.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Messages received from the Muslim World

Here are some messages I have received from the Muslim world...There are also some beautiful peace drawings from Egypt and some messages in Urdu from Pakistan that I need to get translated...Hope to have those added soon.

Beside being Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and other we all are humans and have been created by one God, who asks us to live in peace and love each other. So let's love each other and live in peace.


Letter of love and appreciation

From: Sheikh Mahmoud
To: American Delegation

First of all I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be together for the first time in the USA Feb-06 and in your second home Egypt Feb-07.

I would like to emphasize on the important part of keeping in touch, communicate through current technology, exchange our experience. Learn from each other. We do believe that not all American people are George Bush—you are kind, friendly people.

Wish that you enjoyed your time with us—hope to see you soon.

Sheikh Mahmoud Feb. 15, 07

Dear American Friends,

I am not a terrorist. I am a journalist, mother, and good Egyptian.

I love you as people so love me too.


Cairo, Egypt

Bis millahi Rahmani Rahim

First of all, we love American people very much, we hope for a good future to our children, without war.

We want the Americans to accept the other.

We request America as the superpower to stop the double standards regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Islam is the religion of tolerance and peace and love.


Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Service


Dear friends,

In my opinion the most important thing to promote peace & justice between our both societies is first to recognize the difference between us in terms of culture and neutrality and goals in life; and second to accept this difference, because it is the product of both history & geography of both societies & which is different from one another.

Diversity of culture contributes to richness of culture, & will make the world stronger and healthier.

We invite you to visit our countries without previous ideas or previously set judgment. We will be very happy to welcome you.



In the Name of Allah the most Beneficent
The most Merciful

First of all very much thanks to Americans, rest of the world and specially 6 year-old Kate, and Rebecca Cataldi.

I pray to Allah (God) to see the whole world, as a peaceful place for all.

My name is Saif. I live in Karachi, the biggest & most important city in Pakistan.

I’m very glad, by the moment, when I read deeply, your valuable gift in the form of your lovely comments for (the) Muslim world specially for Pakistan. It maximized the same feelings in my heart for all of you, as you expressed for us.

As I agree, that, there are a lot of misperceptions, among us. Your messages led me (to be) encouraged & opened a door to share our feelings to each other. As a believer in Islam I never left hope, and I’m sure, this attempt is an opportunity to get peace by dialogues. These dialogues, exchange of ideas through mails or workshop, etc., could (be) much helpful and could play a vital role to resolve all misperceptions.

By this great opportunity, I just like to start, to exchange the actual & mankind friendly interpretation about JIHAD (The Holy War). It is a misperception in (the) west, that it means, destroy all things in (the) west and all people should be killed without any reason. Actually the word means STRUGGLE. The Holy Prophet (Sallal-la-ho-Allahe-Wa Sal-lam) interprets us that.

“Struggle to provide justice, food, & health for all, and without priority of religion or tribe.” It was highly appreciated by the people, wherever, the followers of Islam reached and informed (aware) about it.

Therefore, this is a historical truth that all human beings get rest, when this great interpretation applied by the Holy Prophet (SAW) Hazrat Mohommad and his every follower. And this is also an alive truth that all constitution of warfare countries are based on it. Even in the Norwegian Constitution this clause is named by Umer’s Law. He, Hazrat Umer Farooq (RA), the 2nd immigrant leader, elected by Democratic Roles, after 2 years and (a) few months of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohommad (SAW).

It is a common belief of all believers, in any religion, that every next prophet, (who?) purified all perceptions, & orders of Allah, those became impure. It happened because of dishonest people, when they entered, & became religious personalities. All Prophets (Allah-him-us-Salam), informed the same about Allah (God), and preached the people to love the whole mankind, & respect the ideology and religion, to each other.

Please accept our heart feelings. I hope it will be continued and also hope, we’ll get all misperceptions about (the) east & Islam, through emails, workshops, etc. It will help us to get actual interpretations, to stop its harmfulness.

May Allah (God) bless all of you and your families,
May all family members of Allah (God) get rid of all fears,
May Allah make this world (a) happier places like heaven.

Deeply heart blessings & Love, for all.


We need to understand…each other in cultural and religious states of (the) other as partners.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Messages received from Americans prior to the launching of this website:

Below are messages from Americans contributed to this project prior to the launching of this website:

To my dear brothers and sisters throughout the Muslim world,

Many greetings of love and peace from America.

I have gathered these messages from Americans that seek to share with you our lives and our wishes to reach out to you, our brothers and sisters in the Muslim world, to build bonds of friendship, love, and peace.

I was inspired to create this book after visiting Egypt on an Arabic language study and cultural exchange program, because while I was there Egyptians asked me questions about what Americans think of Arabs and Muslims. I was surprised to hear that some Egyptians had the misperception that Americans dislike Muslims or that Muslims are not treated well in America. Some Americans have the impression that people in Muslim countries dislike or want to hurt Americans, but I did not know that some people in Muslim countries also have the same impression of Americans’ attitudes toward them.

I realized that there are a lot of misperceptions between our cultures, but that in reality, we have many similarities, and most of us in each culture love and respect each other. Unfortunately, our opportunities to meet each other, to listen to each other, and to learn from each other are too few.

This led me to create this project, to attempt to enable you to hear the voices of Americans through the sharing of our messages with all of you. Here you will find messages from my family, friends, church members, coworkers, and strangers. Americans young and old, of diverse religious and political affiliations, from all walks of life, responded enthusiastically to my message-gathering project. They are eager to be better understood and to understand you better, so that we will not have false images of each other and we will be able to live together in peace and love, the way God intended us to.

Please accept these messages as a gift from the American people to all the people of the Muslim world. If you have messages that you would like to share with Americans, please send them to me.

God bless you and all you hold dear, my dear brothers and sisters. May all people recognize that we are all God’s children and one human family, and may we work together to spread peace and love throughout our world.

Love and blessings,

Dear Arab and Muslim Brother and Sister,

As God created all of us we belong to Him. Let us share peace and love with each other and serve God with all our mind, heart and soul as He commanded. I am very sorry for all the bad feelings people have for each other and hope and pray you feel this way also.

Working together we can make this a better world for everyone and give our children a happy future.

I urge you to pray hard for me and for world peace and am praying for you.

Let us truly love each other as Brothers and Sisters.


Dear Friends,

I pray that one day you will know our friendship and love. I feel like all the noise drowns out the reality of our lives—quiet mornings with our families, jobs that help our societies, laughs with our neighbors and friends. I know in my heart that you share our priorities: to raise our children in love and peace and to give thanks to God for his many gifts! I wish you peace!


Dear Friends—
I am a Christian American—and I pray that God will bring peace to our world. I believe that all people share more similarities than differences and that the more we learn about one another—the easier it will be to spread peace and love in the world. I wish you love, happiness, and peace…

Dear Brothers and Sisters
I am a Christian American from Northern Virginia. I hope and pray that we will have peace in our world and especially in areas of the world where people suffer war, persecution, and poverty. I pray that we will all learn to serve the cause of peace and charity and live our faiths. I hope that our nations, our faiths, and especially us as individual people will grow to a greater understanding.
May God bless you,
R. Scott G…

Dear brothers and sisters,
I am a Muslim. I am also American. As a student at Georgetown, I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been to live my life as a Muslim in this country. The Muslim community in America, especially at Georgetown, is vibrant. We are strong because we recognize our brotherhood and sisterhand knows no boundaries: spiritually or geographically. I hope someday you who reads this will be able to appreciate the sense of community that is inherent within Islam, that I experience every day as a Muslim in America.
With peace.

Dear Brothers and Sisters—
I hope that one day our nations will be in peace. As a Muslim American, I feel for all my brothers and sisters around the world. I hope that we can unite and stand up against injustice, as our Holy Qu’ran teaches us to do. Keep the faith.

Dear Brothers and Sisters—
I truly believe that one day there will be peace on earth. As a U.S. Department of State employee, I’m a firm believer that we can all live as one race…the human race with peace, love and harmony!
Richard K.

Dear Friends,

My name is Kate. I am 6. I hope you still Love. I can’t wait until the fighting is over.

(Drawing of a heart and a peace sign)

To our brothers and sisters all over the Earth…
Let us pray together that all people…in all lands will someday think, feel, and live in Peace, Harmony, and Love.

We can all learn from the wisdom of the earliest Americans, whose constant goal was “Harmony in the Universe…”

Native American
Prayer for Peace
O Great Spirit of our ancestors
I raise my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds,
and to Mother Earth who provides
for your children.

Give us the Wisdom to teach
our Children
to love, respect, and
to be kind to each other
so that they may grow with
Peace of Mind.

Let us learn to share
all good things
that you provide for us
on this Earth.

Brothers and Sisters all are we
With the Earth and the Sky
and Wind and Sea
Bound by one chord, one energy
Come together now…
In Harmony…

Listen to the Music…
Feel the Spirit…
Sing the Song—
from “Voices in the Wind”
by Lani

Peace be upon you!
You have a beautiful religion and culture. We share a common belief in the importance of God and family values. I have a friend who is Muslim who married a Christian. He told me that most of our beliefs are the same.
God bless,

I am praying for peace and a greater understanding of each other, across the oceans that separate us. May you realize the beauty that God created in you and may you always see God’s face reflected in each and every person along the path of life. We are blessed that God has given us the gift of Life. May we always treasure it and strive for peace and love in our lives. God bless!
Peace and Alla Maak
from your sister in the US.

To my Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters,
I love you and I pray that God will bless you and give you peace and happiness. I hope we can work together to build a more peaceful, happy, and Godly world.

Thank you for your message of love that reminds us that God’s love is like the sun, shining equally on us all.
Love, Beth

One God, for all people—To love and bless us all with peace.

I was really impressed with your drawings. You are really talented. We invite you all to the United States. We hope you can come sometimes and we can show you our culture. Please be safe. I am against war and I hope it will be over soon.
Heather (Peace sign)

As far as I’m concerned, we people are all the same. Everyone lives on the same Earth, and all of humanity should unite to show it.

Dear New Friends,
I am a mother of 2 boys. I think about the families in the Muslim world quite a bit. I cry when I think about the suffering caused to families through terrorism, violence and war. Many American people feel that way. We wish for peace and for understanding. I wish you well and hope for peace for all our countries.
St. Charles Church

PS. Don’t believe American TV. It portrays the most sensationalistic over the top aspects of our culture. I don’t let my children watch it—just Public Broadcasting.

Dear Friends,
We are all children of God—May we all love (one) another.
-Parishioner at St. Charles Church

Dear Friends
In this wonderful world the God of all of us has blessed us. We should all get along, because we are told to care for one another, and to help those who need help. Working together, we can keep this world as wonderful as God made it.
In peace and justice,
Arlington, Virginia

We are all citizens of the world. We are all members of a global community. We must all help one another

My name is Kareema and I’m very happy to have the opportunity to talk to my Egyptian (and Muslim) brothers and sisters. Ezzeykum? Please keep in touch.
US Department of State Employee

Dear fellow pilgrims,
May God bless our mutual efforts to bring peace to this world.
With warmest regards,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am married with three young sons. My wish for my family is that they could grow up in a world of peace; that they could appreciate how God can work through all of us and through all faiths.
In my own community, there is a mix of Christians and Muslims. I want you to know that the pastor of my church often speaks about the importance of supporting justice for all Muslims in the Middle East.

Dear Friends,
I am an American Christian and I know that there may be very different worlds in which (we) both live in. I hope that we can all work towards a global peace and understanding.
May Peace be with you and your family

As Salaam Alaikum brothers and Sisters,
Greetings from the U.S.A. I am a Muslim American, originally from Lebanon. I have lived in many places before coming here: Switzerland, France, Canada in addition to Lebanon. America is the greatest place when it comes to freedom of religion. American people, in general, respect people of other faiths. Please do not confuse the American public with American public and foreign policy. If you try to build bridges of understanding directly with the people here, it will go towards fostering world peace and a better understanding of Islam.
Yours in Islam,

Dear Friend,
I wish we could all live in peace. This kind of exchange is helpful in making human to human contact. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
Washington, DC

In 1992 I started my Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy ( --we take a systems approach to peace and know that people like you believe in peace and it starts with you.
Warm regards,
US Ambassador

Dear Islamic Friends especially Moehammad,

I pray and (think) of you every day. When I was suffering you invited me in your family—your brothers and sister—especially your Mother. She prayed daily for me and said “I love you”. Moe, dear I meet you in your humanity—you cry for your people and friends.
May Jesus, God and Holy Mother Mary offer you life in spite of death. The victory is won—work hard to maintain the peace. Love your enemies as yourself.
God speed—my husband awaits me.

Dear Brothers and Sisters
I am a Christian American from Northern Virginia. I hope and pray that we will have peace in our world and especially in areas of the world where people suffer war, persecution, and poverty. I pray that we will all learn to serve the cause of peace and charity and live our faiths. I hope that our nations, our faiths, and especially us as individual people will grow to a greater understanding.
May God bless you,
R. Scott G…

I pray that God will grant us grace to live in peace together. Thank you for trying to show your friendship toward us.

I pray for peace for all people in the world, and that everyone will get along and be kind to each other. If you ever come to America, please come and visit me.

Dear Friends
Greetings from Washington DC with hopes for peace and respect between all peoples.
Annandale, Virginia

We are praying for peace

Dear Arab (and Muslim) Brothers and Sisters,
First of all I want to tell all of you that most of our Americans do not dislike you and are very much against the war and violence. I pray every day that the war will end and we can live together on the planet as one as God intended.
God bless you and keep all of you safe.

To my Brothers and Sisters
May we learn to live and love each other as God meant us to be.
Peace be with you.

Dear Brothers and Sister(s),

As an American Jew who appreciates what Israel provides to me—security from persecution, I think often of its relationship to the rest of the countries around it and hope and pray for a peace that will be good for all. As an American I worry about my country’s policies in the world and hope that good can come out instead of pain sooner instead of later. Mostly I pray for true leadership, here, where you are, and in Israel, so that we can move to all living in peace together.

Love, Cheri

Dear friends,
My deep hope and prayer is that violence will flee our hearts and God’s gifts of peace and love will be free to express their truth in all our relationships.
David J.

November 12 2006
Dear friends,
It is with great joy that I welcome this opportunity to send this message of peace and friendship. By reaching out to others from different cultures and countries, hopefully we will come to understandings that will allow us to recognize the good in each other. I feel very sure that most Americans and most Arabs (and Muslims) desire peace. Not peace at the expense of human rights and freedoms, but peace that grows from the love that we have for each other and our God.
I will continue to pray that we come to know and understand each other so that love and respect grow and we can have at last a peaceful world.

Sincerely in friendship

Brothers and Sisters—
We share the same struggles in living, in this life. It brings peace to be united in spirit an ocean away. Keep living in the Presence.

I pray the notes contained here inspire you to hope, as they have comforted and encouraged me. We are taught that the 3 greatest signs of the Almighty’s grace are: Faith, Hope, and Love—the greatest being Love. It is my humble prayer that this strengthens you in each, comforting you in His ability to work all things for the good.

Hey Whut’s up!
You are not alone in your hope for peace. We fight for it every day in spirit.
Teddy & Alexis

Dear friends in the Middle East (and Muslim world)—
We think of you in peace, we pray for your wellbeing, and we look forward to the day when we can all see and respect one another’s humanity and dignity, regardless of creed, color, or political affiliation.
Nancy & Tom

Greetings to All,
Je vous salue en paix. I hope that this finds you all in good spirits. I, on behalf of the future of humanity, would like to say “Thank you” for being open, understanding and loving. For caring about what we in the US have to say. For not being limited by artificial borders. Your efforts to spread love globally are appreciated. Please stay strong and know that “darkness does not drive darkness out, only light can drive darkness out.” We should be the light in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Love is a very powerful tool. Let’s keep using it.
Je vous aime enormement.
Gros biscous a tous.
Hugs and kisses to all
a child of God

To Our Friends
Please know that the American people are working very hard to bring an end to the conflict in the Middle East. We are like water running downhill. We will go over, under, around, through the Bush Administration. Stand with us.

We’re not all like what you see on TV.
Blessings to you all.

To Friends and Comrades
Many of us are working to end US Imperialism and work for TRUE freedom for everyone—no matter their religious, cultural, economic, etc. views.
Carol in DC

Salam Alekum!
Peace! Keep your Faith and persist in your struggle for Peace and Justice. We are with you in this struggle and feel for you in Egypt and the Arab Struggle—no matter what our governments say or stand for. Peace!
Tony in Washington DC

Un dien(?), un monde, un populace(?)
Vive la paix.

Dear Children of God, 11/12/06
We have so much in common. We value God’s personal characteristics of Virtue and true Love. Let’s pray together that the whole world may be converted to the True Spirit of God, free for all His Children--American, Muslim or Jew.

Dear Friends in the Moslem World,
I am working to purify all religions so that the beauty of Islam, Jewish faith and Christianity may be intertwined and shared.
Fr. Gerry
St. Charles Catholic Church

Dear Friend,
You have made some beautiful and meaningful pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Many of us in America want peace also. We see all people as children of God—Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists. We hope that your generation will work toward peace and understanding and respect for all.
Falls Church, Virginia

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I’m a Catholic/Orthodox/Presbyterian from Northern Virginia. We hope and pray for peace here and abroad. I hope all our faiths and cultures can share and learn from each other.
Marisa V…

Dear fellow brothers and sisters,
I am pleased that we have a chance to reach out to one another. I look forward to one day having world peace. No matter what people say we are all the same.
Erica S.

God Bless!

I pray that Christians (including myself) have an opportunity to study the Qu’ran, and that Muslims have an opportunity to study the Christian bible. I believe we each can find words to live by in each other’s scriptures, but more importantly, I pray that true understanding of each other’s faiths will bring peace and prosperity to all.
Allah be merciful,

We are all Americans and I hope all the world can imagine peace.

Hello everybody,
Well, I don’t quite know what to say, but I wish you all well. I hope you are happy and safe. I hope we can all find better understanding of each other. Much love to you and yours.

Peace to You,
Middle Eastern food for the body is delicious. I will pray for your spiritual food that you and I can unite in God.

Hi everyone!
I wish you all well.
--Allison (from New Jersey, USA)

Hello, again from New Jersey. New Jersey is an American state with a multi-cultural population. We do the best we can to understand each other, but don’t always succeed. I hope that you will be patient with America as we try to understand your rich and multi-cultural region!

Hey friends!
I’m a university student here in Washington, DC. I’m 19 years old and I’m fascinated with your part of the world. I’m working hard to learn all that I can so that one day you and I can work together to make the world a better place for everyone!
Love Erica

Hello from Arlington, Virginia! I am honored to send you my wishes for peace! Please say hello if you would like.
With love

Hello Everyone!
I am a student at the George Washington University in D.C. I am also a Muslim-American and I am also dealing with my Muslim identity in an American setting which is difficult but also interesting. I am lucky enough to have both aspects of these cultures within me but many Americans are simply ignorant or afraid to learn. I think that communication and education is vital between our cultures and I praise you for being a part of this project.

Dearest Friends,
We are all God’s children!

Dear friends,
I am (a) Brazilian Christian living in the US. I pray every single day for the world’s peace. I don’t believe in wars. I come from a very peaceful and friendly country—Brazil, and I really hope to see the peace spread around the world! Love and peace be with all of you!
From your sister in heart,

A salaam wa alekum!
God bless and take care.
Much love,

Dear Friends,
We are all God’s children.

Dear friends
May the peace of God be with you.
Mary Beth

Dear Friends—
May God bless and protect you always!

Dear Friends
We are all one and if left alone we know how to get along—resist all leaders who advocate war. I send this message in peace. Let there be no division between us.
Virginia, USA

Peace be with you!
I’m from (South) Korea which has been divided into two by ideology. I believe we can make a difference in building peace unless we give up.
Peace be with you, again!

Dear friends in the Middle East (and Muslim world),
Having recently been in the Palestinian Occupied Territories I have a greater understanding of the animosity and difficulties afflicting the region and I therefore reach out my hand in compassion and for friendship. We will only overcome fear and intolerance through contact and forging relationships; across borders, cultures, linguistic, political and religious differences.
Peace be with you.
God Bless all the People and also you.

God bless you in your journey. God keep you safe.
Love Gael

Love and prayers always. God bless you all!
The Zuishi Family

God bless you and keep you safe!
The Chastulik Family

May peace come to your country and also in your lives.
The Marushak(?) Family

May you have a safe trip & God’s Blessings to you and all the people you meet on your way!!

In the Lap of my German Grandmother, some 50 years ago, I learned: “Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.”

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Hello!! Peace be with you.
The peace of our God enfold you and your loved ones.
Our priest at St. Margaret Mary’s Church in Moon Township, Pennsylvania—USA is a person of Arab descent, born in the United States. To know him is to love him. He is “down to earth,” approachable, warm, humble, funny, knowledgeable and sincere. I believe that he is a blessing to the lives of the people his life touches . . . a true instrument of God’s peace.
Although I do not know Rebecca Cataldi, a former parishioner of St. Margaret Mary’s Church and a member of the American-Arab Friendship project, I do know what it feels like to receive and give genuine friendship to and from another human being. This action of both giving and receiving friendship is being an Instrument of God’s Peace, in our world.
I believe that Peace is a gift that one person can bring to another person’s life, one-on-one, by taking the time to reach out, the willingness to allow one’s self to be open to and with the other, and by placing our trust in our Creator to lead us one by one—two by two to a nation by nation peace.
I am enclosing 3 prayer cards and a booklet of poems, which communicate peace through the human condition in both an individual and universal way. I share these with you so that your eyes may share what my eyes have seen and together, across the continents, our hearts can be united in friendship . . . thereby becoming Instruments of God’s Peace.
May our God bless, protect, strengthen and guide you and your loved ones.
In Friendship, Pat